R Teaching Assistant (INFO 201) at University of Washington Information School (Sep 2018 - Jun 2019) | Andrey Butenko
R Teaching Assistant (INFO 201) at University of Washington Information School (Sep 2018 - Jun 2019)
Sep 2018 - Jun 2019
TA for INFO 201: Technical Foundations of Informatics course.
Conducted weekly lab sections for classes of 25 students with diverse skill levels, including students who have never done programming before.
Taught programming language R and libraries including dplyr, shiny, and ggplot2 for the creation of interactive data visualizations.
Covering general software development concepts including command line, Git, SSH, and APIs.
Consistently received positive evaluations from supervisor and students.
Took initiative to organize extra help sessions before significant assignments were due by scheduling the session, recruiting other TAs to help, communicating to students, and getting a budget for treats and coffee. Extra help sessions were very successful and had attendance of 35-50 students.